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Published on 15 January 2024


Here, you will find information on projects and strategies, tools, and resources related to SDC's cash and voucher assistance. 

Highlighted Projects and Missions

  • 15 January 2024

    Rapid Response: Cash for Work in Haiti

    After Hurricane Matthew's destruction in Haiti in October 2016, Swiss Humanitarian Aid (SHA) acted swiftly. A Rapid Response team was deployed to severely affected regions. SHA introduced a "Cash for Work" initiative, aiding 2,000 households with income support for debris removal and road clearance. Collaborating with others, SHA also addressed immediate water and shelter needs.

  • 15 January 2024

    Multipurpose Cash for Recovery: Locally-led Humanitarian Action in Guatemala

    In late 2020, Guatemala grappled with severe crises as Tropical Depressions Eta and Iota struck, causing loss of life and extensive damage. Switzerland responded by deploying the GIAR and EEL teams, working with local partners to deliver aid and implement monetary distribution projects, empowering affected communities.

  • 15 January 2024

    Linking Cash Transfers with Social Protection in Sri Lanka

    Insights into a Swiss Humanitarian Aid member's secondment mission with WFP

  • 15 January 2024

    Cash for Host Families in Aceh, Indonesia

    In December 2004, a 8.9 magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami devastated Aceh, Indonesia, along with other regions. This natural disaster led to significant loss of life and widespread destruction, prompting the Indonesian Government's appeal for international assistance. The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) acted swiftly, implementing an emergency response project known as Cash for Host Families.