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Overview CVA@SDC

SDC's CVA Engagement

Switzerland's humanitarian involvement in CVA encompassess three key areas. Firstly, as an actor, it responds to natural events, armed conflicts, and protracted crises, employing rapid response missions, direct actions, and secondments. Secondly, SDC actively advocates for the systematic consideration of CVA in all humanitarian responses, and for the adherence to quality standards. Thirdly, as a donor, SDC provides financial support to partners implementing projects with a CVA component. These partners include UN agencies, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, international and local organisations, and major humanitarian networks.

SDC as CVA Pioneer

SDC was an early pioneer of cash and voucher assistance (CVA), adopting the modality well before it gained momentum in the humanitarian aid sector following the natural disaster in South East Asia in 2004. Switzerland began exploring CVA in the late '90s, primarily deploying sector-specific cash projects, notably for shelter during the Balkan War. Ever since, Switzerland has been a strong advocate of this people-centred approach. The establishment of the community of practice on cash within the Swiss Humanitarian Aid Unit (SHA) in 2005 underscored SDC's strategic commitment to advancing expertise and collaboration in the evolving landscape of humanitarian cash assistance. Over the past 25 years, Switzerland has maintained its leadership position, implementing more than 30 projects and supporting partner organisations in project implementation, capacity building, and financing for cash projects.