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Published on 15 January 2024

SDC's CVA Engagement

Switzerland's humanitarian involvement in CVA encompassess three key areas. Firstly, as an actor, it responds to natural events, armed conflicts, and protracted crises, employing rapid response missions, direct actions, and secondments. Secondly, SDC actively advocates for the systematic consideration of CVA in all humanitarian responses, and for the adherence to quality standards. Thirdly, as a donor, SDC provides financial support to partners implementing projects with a CVA component. These partners include UN agencies, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, international and local organisations, and major humanitarian networks.

Discover more about SDC's triple role in CVA

15 January 2024


SDC plays a significant role as an actor in the context of cash and voucher assistance (CVA) in international humanitarian and development work. SDC can rely on the Swiss Humanitarian Aid Unit (SHA) which has an expert group on CVA. Find out more about SDC's role in CVA and highlighted projects.

15 January 2024


In its global engagement on cash and voucher assistance (CVA), SDC aims to ensure that humanitarian organisations possess the knowledge and capacity to systematically consider cash and vouchers as a viable response option, and to implement projects according to best practice.

15 January 2024


The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) has been providing financial support to partners who use CVA since the 1990s. By offering flexible core funding to its main partners, SDC enables these partners to choose the most appropriate aid modality for each specific project. SDC is recognised as an engaged donor actively participating in technical discussions and policy dialogues, highlighting the interconnectedness between its advocacy efforts, experience in direct implementation, and its role as a donor.