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Overview Themes & Resources

What is CVA?

Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) refers to the direct provision of cash transfers and/or vouchers for goods or services to individuals, households, or group/community recipients. In the context of humanitarian response, CVA excludes payments to governments or other state actors, remittances, service provider stipends, microfinance and other forms of savings and loans (CALP Network: Glossary of Terminology for Cash and Voucher Assistance, 2023).Cash and vouchers are transfer modalities which can be provided separately or in combination with other modalities, such as in-kind aid, service delivery, or technical support.

Sector-specific CVA

In the realm of sector-specific cash, we utilise the cash modality tailored to each sector's unique needs. Examples include Shelter/Reconstruction, Wash, and Protection.

Multipurpose Cash

... are unrestricted cash transfers that people affected by crises can use to cover their basic needs. By its nature, MPC is the assistance modality which offers people a maximum degree of choice, flexibility and dignity." (CALP Network Website, 13.12.2023: Multipurpose Cash Assistance)

Linking CVA with Social Protection

SDC has a decade-long track record of implementing a wide range of social protection instruments, spanning from emergency cash responses to bolstering national capacities. Notably, SDC stands as a pioneer in the field of cash-based humanitarian responses, offering a diverse toolkit tailored for low- and middle-income countries, adept at addressing both sudden and slow-onset disasters. Additionally, experts in cash from the Swiss Humanitarian Aid Unit, seconded to multilateral organisations, provide invaluable expertise within the realm of social protection.


Here, you will find information on projects and strategies, tools, and resources related to SDC's cash and voucher assistance.